The traditional linear marketing funnel no longer applies to today’s shoppers. Dive into the insights and complexities of the modern path to purchase in the Czech Republic to get closer to consumers and drive growth.
A recent study by IPSOS and Google CEE1 surveyed 4,500 consumers across four categories of products and services — notebooks, TVs, mobile phone contracts, and clothes and footwear. The study focused on 16+ year old Internet users in Poland, Ukraine, Greece, and the Czech Republic who had made a recent offline or online purchase.
The study revealed a range of consumer traits that were particular to each country. Unlike consumers in Poland, Greece or Ukraine, shoppers in the Czech Republic are less likely to consider a single brand at the beginning of the path to purchase. They use online touchpoints for inspiration and tend to be more spontaneous shoppers than their regional neighbours.
Brand loyalty
Consumers are not loyal to brands, they’re loyal to whatever makes their lives easier. This adage rings particularly true for consumers in the Czech Republic. Across all four products and services, shoppers in the Czech Republic are less likely to commit to a single brand at the beginning of the path to purchase. When it comes to clothes and footwear, Czechs are even less likely to have a single brand in mind.

On average, Czech Republicans are less likely to use online and offline touchpoints than their regional counterparts. And when they do use touchpoints, they use fewer of them. This suggests that shoppers in the Czech Republic do less research and are more spontaneous.
Inspire my purchase
Czech shoppers are more likely turn to online touchpoints for inspiration because they don’t have a single brand in mind. Czech searches for inspiration is very much in line with global trends. With increasing mobile searches for “__ brands”, inspirational searches are on the rise — including “men’s watch brands” (+70%), “best purse brands” (+140%) and “makeup brands” (+150%).2 They are less interested in using online touchpoints for product specs and discounts.

Mobile second screening
Understanding how and when consumers research and shop on mobile is key for reaching customers in the right moments with the right messaging. In three out for categories, Czechs are more likely than their regional neighbours to use their smartphones to research while watching TV. They value downtime and are less likely to use their smartphones while having a family meal. Keep these time slots in mind the next time you’re planning your media strategy.

Research Online, Purchase Offline
Contrary to what you might think, brick-and-mortar stores are still popular among consumers. On average, fewer Czechs Research Online and Purchase Offline (ROPO) but this is for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they do less research and they prefer to make online purchases.

Shopping behaviour per category
Specific country traits vary depending on the type of product or service that Czech consumers are researching and shopping for. Here are some of the study’s key takeaways for each of the products and services in the Czech Republic.
Notebook takeaways
- 45% of Czech Notebook shoppers don’t have any brand in mind at the beginning of the path to purchase. This provides a greater opportunity for marketers to influence decision making.
- As much as a fifth of buyers complete their path to purchase within one day. With such a narrow window, marketers need to act fast to influence.
- Three fourth of shoppers used offline touchpoints (despite the category’s inclination toward online). The power of offline shouldn't be underestimated.
- 44% of shoppers use mobile for research while visiting offline stores. This represents an opportunity for marketers to improve mobile experiences and enhance local
- Conversations with friends is crucial when it comes to offline touchpoints. Marketers should consider digital assistants or online video that mirrors friendly offline advice with product demos, specs and reviews.
- Despite the global shift to mobile, shoppers in the Czech Republic are not in love with local mobile experiences. Citing the inconvenience of typing on smaller screens and comparing products and services, Czech consumers tend to visit store and manufacturer websites on desktop rather than mobile. This suggests an opportunity for brands to improve the country’s mobile experience.
TV takeaways
- Slightly more than two fifths of shoppers didn’t consider any brand at the beginning of the path to purchase. This leaves more room for marketers to influence brand choice.
- They are spontaneous. 21% of shoppers completed their path to purchase within a day.
- 77% of shoppers used offline while 79% online touchpoints during the path to purchase. The importance of offline shouldn't be underestimated.
- 40% of shoppers used mobiles devices for research while visiting offline stores, suggesting an opportunity to create online incentives like augmented reality apps with product specs and reviews.
- Shoppers value interaction with sales assistant and friends in the offline touchpoints. Marketers should leverage videos with product reviews and spec information.
Mobile phone contract takeaways
- 42% of shoppers didn’t have any single brand in mind at the beginning of the path to purchase when choosing a mobile provider.
- One third of consumers completed the path to purchase process within a day.
- 81% of shoppers used offline touchpoints and two fifths used mobiles for research while visiting offline stores. Marketers need to treat the offline and online worlds holistically.
Clothes and footwear takeaways
- 70% of clothes and footwear shoppers did not consider any one single brand at the beginning of the path to purchase.
- As many as half of the consumers completed their path to purchase process within one day.
- 71% of shoppers used offline touchpoints during the path to purchase and one sixth used mobiles for research while visiting offline stores.
- More shoppers used desktop more than mobile when placing orders.